Mt Washington Alpine Resort
Hiking Report
Right Now
snow shwrs
Now 11:20 PM - 2025-03-13
-6 °c | 21 °f
H: 2°c | 36°f
L: -8°c | 18°f
Wind: 3km/hr SW
Humidity: 86%
H: -4°
L: -5°
H: -4°
L: -5°
H: -3°
L: -4°
Hiking Trail Report
Thanks for a great summer season, see you when the snow flies!
Memory LaneDistance: 0.7km
Short trail with a series of benches to honour the lives of staff, family and friends.
Top of the WorldDistance: 1.0km
Enjoy this spectacular sea to sky panorama from the peak of the mountain.
Linton's TrailDistance: 2.1km
There are some rough and rugged sections. Following the famous ski run, Linton's Trail provides great, awe-inspiring views of Strathcona Park and Mt. Albert Edward. The trail is marked with RED FLAGS.
West Summit RidgeDistance: 4.3km
This trail winds through West Basin and then peaks at little Mount Washington before descending through alpine meadows. The trail is completed at the bottom of the ridge and requires hikers to return back to the eagle unload Trail marked with BLUE FLAGS.
Giv'r TrailDistance: 1.1km
It's steep up and steep down, the most challenging way to get to the peak. Trail marked with YELLOW tape.
Finger Access RoadDistance: 1.6km
Multi-Use Trail
Multi-use trail and access road for our XC trails on the far west of our trail network. This is our main multi-use trail access for our Finger trail.
Finger TrailDistance: 7.5kmMulti-Use Trail
Closed until further notice for maintenance. This trail can be accessed without a chair lift ride, however, a waiver and free pass need to be picked up at the Alpine Lodge prior to entering the bike park.
The mountain's signature XC trail, delivering challenging terrain and providing unparalleled views of Strathcona Provincial Park. Steeper grades with more difficult obstacles offer riders a natural progression to more advanced XC skills.
Finger Trail Bi-PassDistance: 0.5kmMulti-Use Trail
Short bi-pass route
Great Big ViewDistance: 0.3kmMulti-Use Trail
Multi-use trail overlooking the Raven Lodge and providing spectacular views of the Strathcona Park.
Hiking Trails
on Mount Washington
Learn more about the available paths. Access hiking trails on the slopes of Mount Washington for a different perspective on the terrain! Pack for a day of hiking and enjoy the surrounding views of Strathcona Park and the Salish Sea. Experience the stunning beauty of our natural environment, offering a plethora of flora and fauna to familiarize yourself with along the way.
Hiking Trails
Mountain Cams
Nordic Cam
Our Nordic Camera is positioned in front of the iconic Raven Lodge, this camera gives a real-time view of the beautiful Strathcona Provincial Park and surrounding area.
Alpine Cam
Our Alpine Lodge Camera is positioned at the base of the Eagle Chairlift, this camera gives a real-time view of what's happening at the mountain with your favourite runs and lifts in sight,